
Tuesday was my last day nursing T. I'm a little sad. She's growing up! Five days ago she started rocking back and forth on her knees and I think she'll be crawling any day.

As of yesterday we have sold our house. We sold it to the couple that offered us $5000 under. After negotiating, we agreed on $2000 under our asking price. I feel relieved. They are super nice and Ernie and I are grateful that they did made an offer because no one else has.

Alan and Ruth S. stood us up again for church and dinner. I thin I'm giving up. I'm wondering if Alan might feel that if he says no I'd fire him. That's not the case at all. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow and let him know there are no string attached whether he does or not. I was so excited too. Oh well. It got me out of my safe little box.

I've talked to Ernie about donating our car to the ward when we move. There are so many people in our ward who are in need. He had a hard time accepting it at first but I think he's okay with it now. I've noticed that Ernie does everything he's asked and does a great job in his calling. But when it comes to leaving things in Heavenly Father's hands, he struggles. I think it's because it's difficult to logically think it through. That's what faith is all about though.