
The Big Day

Here I lay in the hospital bed in labor. I've just been given and epidural so my contractions don't hurt anymore. They brought me to tears for a while until I got the medicine. I feel much better :)   This seems so funny. I never thought this day would come. It's a wonderful time. Soon - my child will breathe her first breath. It's all so fascinating. The whole process is so amazing.

Poor Ernie is so tired. He's in the chair next to me sleeping right now. He's missing his last two finals today but he's got four out of the way. He's been so good through all of this. There's a lot of stress in his life, but he's handling it all really well.

The blood pressure... monitor... keeps...squeezing... my... arm every few minutes and it makes it hard to write.

We picked  up Mom from the airport last night. She's gone with Heidi J. right now to try and recover her luggage. There was a suitcase identical to hers and Ernie picked it up. When we got ready for bed she saw it wasn't hers. OOPS! Now Heidi's been really good to take her around. When she left I was in tears and now I'm feeling much better. She'll be happy to see that.

My nurse's name is Alice and she's really nice. She helps me a ton. It's nice to see smiles. She holds my hand when I'm in pain. Like, this morning we came in at 7:00 a.m. for a scheduled induction. But, Dr. B. just had to break my water (yuck!) and that did it. My contractions were already starting to hurt this morning and I think breaking my water did the trick. I sure am in labor now. Funny - you probably can't tell huh? Well, I put up with about as much as I could. We didn't want my asthma to kick in at all so we went ahead and took the medicine.

I'm thankful for Ernie. He's a wonderful husband and a huge support. I hope he gets rested. He's zonked out in the chair.

Well, soon our first child will be born into this world.