
Temple Dedication & Missionary Work

I misunderstood my manager when he told me that my bonus was $4000 gross. I thought that was take-home. Well, I gave him one week to get it to me in writing and I don't know if he'll be able to pull it off. I don't know if I'd be able to do it anyway. During those two weeks, I've lost 15 lbs. and am down to 110 lbs. Yuck! I'm on a downhill spiral and am not feeling good. I think the stress is getting the best of me.

I do have much to be thankful for though. Alan S. from work is a new temp I hired at work and he and his wife are coming over tomorrow night for a BBQ and to hear the discussions. So - all my efforts are not in vain I guess. I also mailed Gary S. a Book of Mormon and an invitation to hear the discussions on Sunday night. I plan to call him tomorrow.

Ernie, T & I left for the temple dedication. It was very special experience. Lance and Melanie T. opened their home to us, complete strangers. They also watched T while Ernie and I attended.
I had a strong feeling about my family. There are so many people waiting to have their work done! I then thought of my 83-year-old friend Shirley K. I want to get her to the temple. She went into the hospital this week and has been very ill. I hope I can get her there and sealed to her husband before she passes on. 

I feel like I've been selfish with all of my blessings of the gospel and want to share it with everyone!