
Lizzy's Tantrum for a Car

Our little family went to town to look at some cars. The first one was an old junker... totally beat up. The second was a little nicer, but sounded pretty rough. And the last one.... it was so beautiful! It only had one scratch on one side. 

E offered him $2200 and the guy said he'd come down to $2800 because of the little crack in the windshield. It was silent forever.... aahh pain!... and then I blurted out "will you take $2700!?!" At that instant I could have kicked myself cause I knew E would be upset at me for busting in. Boy was I right!!

Lizzy's Note: Brace yourself for a Lizzy Tantrum

I can't even be happy about the car because E is so mad. And getting madder. I have apologized til I'm blue in the face but it doesn't matter. I feel terrible. I know that is a big thing to him and I stepped on his ego. I'm surprised I could get my foot high enough to step on it though - it's so big. I think he has some serious pride issues working here. I was trying so hard too. I tried to explain to him that this is difficult for me. I bought several cars on my own before we were married and I know what to ask. If I even open my mouth at all, I tread on his manliness and hurt his pride. I wish he could feel happy he has a wife who knows something, rather than threatened. My dad taught me all he knows about cars and I loved learning it. Now I have to hide all of that under a bushel because of E's pride. Am I supposed to be a submissive, ignorant wife? Hmmm... that would be a little hard for me. 

I have so much to learn!!