
Temple Dedication

Next Saturday Ernie, T & I will be leaving to attend the temple dedication. I am so excited to go. We'll attend the Sunday, 1:00 PM dedication. It should be an experience like no other.

T can sit on her own for quite a while now. I think it's a nice change from on her back.

We've started having family home evening each Sunday night and it's really nice. When M. Russell Ballard came, he challenged us to take time to read about the pioneers. For FHE we've been reading "I Walked to Zion." Even the beginning chapters bring tears to my eyes. They showed so much courage. The difference in this book is that it's the children's account of the journey. I've already read most of it but I've enjoyed refreshing my memory.

I'm grateful for the sacrifices of my pioneer brothers and sisters and their courage and faith. I'm thankful I was born into a Latter-Day Saint home to wonderful parents. I have nothing to complain about. Heavenly Father has been good to us.