

My beautiful daughter is now six days old and it's amazing to watch how quickly she changes. Mom and I laugh and say she inflates little by little every day. 

Being home has been a little bit of an adjustment. I'm sure thankful mom's been here to help out. She's been really nice to clean and do dishes and stuff. She's been wonderful!

Ernie and I have a little adjusting to do. I liken it to when we first got married. We both knew how our families did things, but it wasn't the same so we had to mesh our ideas. Now, we both know how our moms did things and since those ideas aren't all alike, we have to try  to mesh those. This is such an exciting time although I know it will also be a challenge. As Ernie's mom said in her letter, "there are certain things you can lean only through raising a family. That's why Heavenly Father wanted us to experience it."

What I've found is that my love has grown so much. Growing up I was so self-centered and now there are two people in my life whom I love more than words could even begin to express. I would do anything for my husband and daughter. ANYTHING!

Mom goes home today at 7:30 PM. We'll sure miss her. I love my mom. She's the BEST! We'll miss her.