

My mom flies in tonight at 11:00 p.m. Now it's kindof and awkward situation because she'll be here during the delivery. I go in tomorrow morning between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. for Dr. B. to rupture my bag of waters.

In talking to Ernie, he'd like it to just be the two of us since that's the way it's been all along. I totally understnad what he's saying. And he thinks he'd feel self-conscious about doing everything right. We'll probably talk about it this evening together and work out what we want to do. We, of course, don't want any feeling to get hurt.

This sure is an exciting time. I'm very blessed and very thankful for all that I have. I'm grateful to be able to bring one of Heavenly Father's children into this world. I feel very calm and peaceful right now. I thought I'd be tense, nervous, and anxious when this time came, but I feel Heavenly Father with me and I know he'll support me.

I love my baby dearly, already, and I pray everything ill go well. Wish me luck!