
My Budding Testimony of Joseph Smith

We just returned from the most inspiring vacation I've ever been on. Ernie, T ad I packed up and headed for Nauvoo, IL. We got there in the evening and found out it was the weekend of this HUGE production they do there every summer. We laid down a blanket to save a spot and then went sight-seeing. We watched a video in the visitor's center and heard their tour. Then we went to set up camp for that night. The production was so neat! I'm going to call and get an application for us to be a part of it. The cast was huge. It told the story of Joseph Smith's life.

The camp sight was full of people because of the pageant, so we had to camp by the water faucet. That first night, while we were sleeping, two fans full of Mexicans came and 20 of them took showers at the faucet. They would fill up their buckets over and over and I was so frustrated! Thank heaven's T never woke up though. They were so loud!!!!

Eventually I was so tired and frustrated I told Ernie I was going out to ask if they were finished. I unzipped the tent, stepped outside, and thank goodness I didn't have my glasses on to witness the details of all of the naked people in front of me. I lost my nerve and got back inside the tent.

We woke up and finally got to church once we found Ernie's keys :) We left and went to the visitor's center again. Upstairs there was a temporary display of the life paintings called "Impressions of a Prophet, Joseph Smith." They were incredible! I cried several times as I looked at the paintings and read the story behind them. One was The Martyrdom. Joseph was holding Hyrum after he was shot through the door in the face. Joseph was crying over his brother and the painting was entitled "Oh My Poor Dear Brother Hyrum."

We took a horse and carriage ride. Those homes were so neat. I can't imagine how they felt when they were forced to leave. They were all beautiful homes.

We went to a fireside that night and Kenneth Cope sang his songs from "My Servant Joseph" which he composed to accompany the paintings from "Impression of a Prophet." His voice is gorgeous!!

We also went up to the old temple sight which was destroyed by the mob after the Saints left. They set fire to it and the ceiling collapsed. The walls stood for several years until a tornado blew it down in the 1850's. So much work went into the temple. It must have been beautiful and enormous. The people were scared of the saints though and ran them out. The foundation has been uncovered and is all that stands.

(Lizzy's Note: The Nauvoo temple has been rebuilt and you can see it here. I think I've just dated myself!)

Sleeping that night was it's own challenge. No Mexicans this time, just 55 mph winds. The lightening and thunder was constant. It scared me so much I cried. Sweet T never even made a peep. She slept through the entire storm.

In the morning we drove on to Carthage to visit the jail where Joseph and Hyrum were killed and John Taylor was shot three times. That was very humbling. WE were in the actual room where the prophet and his brother were killed. Hyrum was leaning against the door to hold it closed which is why he was shot in the face. After the mob broke in, they shot Hyrum two more times on the floor. Joseph was hit twice in the chest, then the mob shot him twice in the back which sent him out the window. The prophet was dead.

Joseph Smith was an incredible man whom I have grown to love so much since we've been living out here. A couple of weeks ago I prayed that I might be able to gain a firm testimony of Joseph. I have always believed he was a prophet because I knew the gospel was true. I was afraid to ask Heavenly Father for that reason - that I possible already had a testimony and would be tempting God for another confirmation. I proceeded to ask as I thought I would get an answer that night as I read the Doctrine & Covenants. Of course, that didn't happen.  I needed to put forth a little effort. Reading D&C, visiting Nauvoo, and prayer has brought me such a strong testimony that I never knew I could attain.

I know without a doubt that Joesph Smith was a prophet of God. He saw the Father and Jesus Christ and restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth. Joseph was a man, chosen by the Lord, to carry out this wonderful work that has changed the world.