
Is This Real?

Ernie & I are now the proud parents of an 8 lb. 3 oz. baby girl. She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever looked at. She is so precious! She made her entrance into this world at 1:54 PM at 20 1/2 inches. It was the 
most wonderful experience I have ever had. Pushing her out and seeing the beautiful little girl that was laid on my stomach was the most incredible experience. I don't even know the words to explain it.

I asked Dr. B. as her head crowned, if he thought he would have to do an episiotomy. He said if he did, it would be a small one. Then as she started coming out, he realized she was a lot bigger than he's planned. He ended up doing a huge episiotomy and I got a 4th degree tear (which is really bad). Now the healing process has begun and it's been nothing but easy. I've had my ups and downs but overall, this is a lot harder than the actual delivery. I'm super sore and I have a tendency to overdue it a little. In time, I'll be back to my normal self.

Well, I love my little girl more than anything. Heavenly Father has blessed me with a beautiful spirit. I'm sure I'll add more in the following entries :)