
New Year's Resolutions of a Young Mom

Another year has past and so much seemed to happen. On the night of the 30th, I laid in bed and randomly read some of my entries. Thinking back I thin what stands out to me the most is how openly the Lord blessed us though the year. Life was crazy at times but overall it was a pretty nice year.

I'd like to set a few realistic goals for the coming year.

1~ Be a more organized housewife. I intend to do that by reading up on some good ideas and then applying the one's that pertain to my life.

2~ I'd like to have our one year supply of food storage built up by the end of the year. That will take some discipline but I feel we're already well on our way.

3~ I want to work on keeping my voice down and controlling my temper with E. I've been working on this for a while and feel I've improved a little but I'll carry it over to this year since I have a long way to go to become more Christ-like.

4~ Try harder to stay morally and physically clean. I'd like to keep my thoughts under better control and focus on good.

5~ Serve others by staying happy, keeping the right perspective and enjoying life. I've noticed when I do this it is much easier to give of myself to others.

Hopefully these are realistic. I guess it's being realistic with myself. I don't expect to have mastered all of them by next year but I'd like to do my best at it all year.

This Christmas with a one-year-old was a lot different for me. rather than being intent on listening to speakers, musicals, and all of the other things that put me in the spirit of Christmas, I found myself taking T out so everyone else could enjoy it. What I really learned is that the spirit of Christmas comes from within.