
Seventeen Week Internship Out of State is FINISHED

E is officially DONE with his eternally long internship today! I am so excited! He should be walking in the door anytime!! :) Yeah!

My day was pretty productive. I got another paycheck from Dr. S. That's always nice. It doesn't hardly make a dent in the bills we have though. E thinks he'll just get a temporary job for a while, at least until we figure out where we're headed to. We've come to the end of our financial rope... no funds left.

It'll be interesting to adjust back to having a spouse. I wouldn't have it any other way of course. I've just gotten used to my set schedule eevery day without any outside influences. I'll have to adjust to a second opinion again :) haha. Oh I can't wait!!! I hope again that I'll be a good wife.

Gotta run. I think he's home!!!


To Be A Wife Again

Only one day left and I'll have a husband again... FOR GOOD!! No more being away from each other so much. Boy ~ I sure have missed him. It'll be so nice to see him every day! I talked to E on the phone tonight and I guess he's caught the flu from one of the kids. His supervisor is showing no mercy either. At 10:00 pm tonight he was still at the clinic doing paperwork. I think part of it may be that "finals week syndrome" that E gets when he's stressed. His body just shuts down and he gets really sick.

I finally got the work done for Dr. M.'s office. I charged him $75 since it was such silly work (his thank you cards) and it took forever! But my little income doesn't even made a dent in the bills we have to pay. Crazy! It's a little discouraging I must admit.


 E is coming home today! I've rarely seen him during the 14 weeks he's been living in ... but we only have three weeks left of this. He'll have missed almost half of my pregnancy. Lucky for him!

I got a phone call from a THIRD doctor who wants me to do transcription for their office. I have doctors calling me now! Wow!

We still haven't found a job yet for after E graduates but I have faith we will. Some more companies are sending us applications so hopefully it'll happen soon!

 Heavenly Father continues to bless us with our finances. I know we're being blessed because we didn't put off starting our family. Of course we haven't had extra money very often but I think we've lived pretty good. We haven't had to go without. Maybe by the world's standards we have, but I've loved our life - though I would've loved to see E too :) We've been blessed endlessly. I am truly indebted to Heavenly Father.


Great Quotes from Long Ago

I really appreciated what Joseph F. Smith said in the Millennial Star in 1894... I hope to be able to say this someday as well...

"Father, all that I have, myself included, is Thine; my time, my substance, everything that I possess is on the alter to be used freely, agreeable to Thy holy will, and not my will but Thine, be done."

In 1966, Marion G. Romney stated "the only limitations on you and me is within ourselves." I need to learn to be more passive, humble, and faithful.

The more I learn, the more I realize how unlearned I really am. When I feel I'm doing pretty good ~ that's when I need to sit down and study some real doctrine of the gospel. It always sets me straight.

I had the opportunity to go to the temple yesterday. The first time I've ever gone alone (Note from Lizzy: It had been almost three years and I'd never gone alone. Wow.)I tried to open my mind (despite my nervousness) and I really enjoyed my experience. I feel my mind and my heart has really been opened this week. I thank my Heavenly Father for all He's blessed me with.



Today in Relief Society the lesson was on keeping the commandments. The lady teaching wanted the women to help her make a list of commandments other than "the 10." People were saying things like having a garden, keeping a journal, etc. My neighbor was really upset because she didn't feel she was breaking "commandments" because she didn't have a garden. It made ma stop and think.

Commandments help us reach exaltation. I don't know if keeping a garden helps us reach that but it sure makes food storage easier and cheaper. Some things help us better achieve things but we're not necessarily breaking commandments.

I don't know. I've just been brainstorming a little and thought I'd jot down my experience and thoughts.


"Becoming" a Mother

Today was productive. I cleaned the bathroom, the kitchen, and baked bread. I was really sleepy by mid-afternoon and kind of fell asleep while T watched  her movie. Tonight I took a loaf of bread to Tonya and Moses D. 

I don't know why - but suddenly I've been really feeling like a mother. Not that I haven't before, but I feel I do more motherly things. I read at night... read to my baby. I teach T to hop and give loves. It probably sounds silly. Becoming a mother takes a while to settle into. I guess with #2 on the way it's about time!



I'm five months pregnant, I'm tired, and I need a husband. I feel bad because I just break down and lose it. My temper just seems to be out of control. Some dumb little thing will happen and I can just feel myself start boiling inside. then, suddenly I blow my top. I can't figure out what's wrong. I hate it!!!

Like tonight, I swore at my sewing machine. Go figure ~ like that's going to solve anything.

Note from Lizzy: No. We did not have cell phones. When E was gone, he was REALLY gone.




I am so excited! I started on this almost two years ago and I am finally done. I did take a year off in the middle but I actually finished! I guess this is a big accomplishment for me because I can count on one hand how many things I've completely finished. Not too many. I seem to lose interest and never complete tasks.

Tonight I was working on all of my advertising. I typed up a letter, flyer, references, and my resume. Tomorrow I'll order some business cards. I need E home so he can give me advice. He's good at English and stuff. Hopefully he'll come home tomorrow. I guess I can't start sending out letters anyway until I get my business cards. Here's the name of my business...

ELITE Medical Transcription

I finally finished something and I think I'll really enjoy it! Wish me luck!!


Oh the Messes of a One-Year-Old

My first day alone hasn't been easy, to say the least.

T has strung papers, utensils, clothes, etc. all over the floor. She was in the bathroom while I was doing my hair and dumped everything she could find into the toilet, including my decorative soaps. I took everything out but didn't know my soaps were there so they got flushed. after I put her to bed I found the shampoo bottle open and spilling all over the floor and she'd poured a cup of water all over the floor from the toilet.

I had to vent.


OUCH! In more ways than one!

I got a call from the ski resort this afternoon. My instant response when he said where he was calling from was "please don't tell me my husband's hurt." He was.

E used his arm to break his fall while snowboarding and completely dislocated his elbow and hyper extended his wrist. The humerus completely came loose and the socket was empty. The two bones above the hand are supposed to be in the cup. He's home now though and completely drugged out of his mind. They gave him 18 mm of morphine and five other drugs to prepare him for the reduction. he snored through the whole procedure and they had to get him another drug to wake him.

One little set back.... Just this afternoon I dropped our paperwork in the mail to drop E off of our COBRA insurance because "he's so healthy." This ought to be expensive...


New Year's Resolutions of a Young Mom

Another year has past and so much seemed to happen. On the night of the 30th, I laid in bed and randomly read some of my entries. Thinking back I thin what stands out to me the most is how openly the Lord blessed us though the year. Life was crazy at times but overall it was a pretty nice year.

I'd like to set a few realistic goals for the coming year.

1~ Be a more organized housewife. I intend to do that by reading up on some good ideas and then applying the one's that pertain to my life.

2~ I'd like to have our one year supply of food storage built up by the end of the year. That will take some discipline but I feel we're already well on our way.

3~ I want to work on keeping my voice down and controlling my temper with E. I've been working on this for a while and feel I've improved a little but I'll carry it over to this year since I have a long way to go to become more Christ-like.

4~ Try harder to stay morally and physically clean. I'd like to keep my thoughts under better control and focus on good.

5~ Serve others by staying happy, keeping the right perspective and enjoying life. I've noticed when I do this it is much easier to give of myself to others.

Hopefully these are realistic. I guess it's being realistic with myself. I don't expect to have mastered all of them by next year but I'd like to do my best at it all year.

This Christmas with a one-year-old was a lot different for me. rather than being intent on listening to speakers, musicals, and all of the other things that put me in the spirit of Christmas, I found myself taking T out so everyone else could enjoy it. What I really learned is that the spirit of Christmas comes from within.


I'm almost finished...

I've finished another lesson in my Medical Transcription course. Now I only have seven lessons left. That means I'll probably get done by the time E is done with his internships out of state, unless I really kick it into high gear. That's what I'd like to do. The earlier I get done, the better.

I took T to the doctor again today. She has another ear infection and a yeast infection that's causing the diaper rash. But the yeast infection is from the antibiotic she just finished a week ago and now she's on another antibiotic for the new ear infection AND a cream for the diaper rash. It's all going in circles. I just pray my little girl will be better soon. She's the best thing that's come into our lives.


Is That Flame Supposed to be There?

E comes home in about 6 hours. I'll have to show him the oven.

I tried to bake T a cake for her 1st birthday and noticed that the flame wouldn't come back on in the oven. When I checked into it, I saw that a fire had started right against the wall, but luckily didn't start the house on fire. That oven really scares me!